When a Wedding Photographer Gets Married

September 01, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Hi everybody!  

It’s been a really busy year with work and home life so I’ve not had a chance to blog very much (plus not being much of a blogger anyway it was always going to be tricky!) but now I have some time free I thought I’d start with the reason I’ve been so busy – my wedding!

On Friday 15th July 2016 I got married to my childhood sweetheart, Lindsay Orchard.  Here’s us (Lindsay-left, me-blonde hair) aged 7(ish) at Lindsay’s birthday party!

Lindsay and me, aged 7(ish)Lindsay and me, aged 7(ish)











It was strange being on the other side of the camera and handing the reigns over to someone else but I had chosen Paolo Ferla specifically as I had worked with him previously at Spirit Photographic and seen his awesome work.  I didn’t want to be worrying about what the photographer was doing with so much going on and knew he would deliver some great images.

We also had my old flatmate, good friend and amazing videographer, Nigel Sheppard of Ever After Films, filming the day.  Having seen his rapid progression develop over the years with new gear and techniques, as well as many a sad story from brides who’d not chosen to have a videographer and felt they’d missed out big time, I definitely was going to have him do ours!  I’ll share some clips once they are ready but from the bits he showed us it was brilliant. 

Nigel Sheppard - Reviewing the action!Nigel Sheppard - Reviewing the action!













The night before the wedding I stayed with my family at The Boathouse in Newbridge, Bath.  It’s right next to the River Avon and a very peaceful place to wake up to as the ducks and rowing boats idle past leisurely.  Despite the hundreds of weddings I’ve been involved with and knowing the protocol I was still nervous!

The BoathouseThe Boathouse Canoes and boats on the River AvonCanoes and boats on the River Avon










We got married at the Limpley Stoke Hotel in the picturesque valleys of Bath with all of our family and friends there, minus a few who we wished could come, and the hotel looked after us wonderfully.  It was great to see all the months of preparation come together to celebrate a fantastic day.

The Limpley Stoke HotelThe Limpley Stoke Hotel

View from the Limpley Stoke HotelView from the Limpley Stoke Hotel










I knew there would be a lot of planning involved but underestimated the length of time it would take.  This was partly because one of the things we decided to do was, because we are both movie buffs, use our daughter, Imogen, as the centrepiece for the table plans and have her as the starring character in our favourite films.  After choosing our vastly different favourites (can you guess which were mine?!) we then set about getting the costumes for them, which is no easy task when you’re buying an Indiana Jones outfit for a 1 year old.  Once we had them then came the really difficult bit – the photos!

The GodfatherThe Godfather Singin' in the RainSingin' in the Rain













I had in my head exact replicas of the movie posters but getting a baby to stand in the exact pose whilst wearing a costume and hat was almost impossible!  With the big day fast approaching and no time for reshoots I made full use of Photoshop and placed Imogen straight into the scene of the films as best I could!

Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom The Empire Strikes BackThe Empire Strikes Back Back to the FutureBack to the Future The Jungle BookThe Jungle Book



















Wizard of OzWizard of Oz The Amazing Spider-ManThe Amazing Spider-Man












As tricky as it was it was definitely fun to do and I highly recommend doing something fun like that to add a personal touch to your wedding.  We had so many nice comments about it as well as The Wedding Emporium Fayres wanting to post it on their Facebook page after seeing it on mine.  We can’t wait to show Imogen them in the future and watch the films together (she’ll have to wait a while for The Godfather though!).

It wouldn’t be an English wedding without mentioning the weather and unfortunately all the sunshine earlier that week didn’t last so we had a very overcast day.  It was very humid though and much to my embarrassment made me sweat bullets during the vows, much to everyone’s amusement.

If I can offer any advice to soon-to-be brides and grooms is to get married earlier in the day if you can.  We had a 3pm ceremony and despite all the planning we didn’t really get much down time to sit back, soak up the atmosphere and relax.  There’s so many people to speak to, family members you haven’t seen in years you want to catch up with, the photos, the meal, the cake cutting… the list goes on.  If you can, allow yourself at least half an hour to step back, freshen up and chill out with a cool drink. My other bit of advice is to keep your mouth shut during the confetti shot! My Best Man lobbed a handful of the stuff right into my mouth with military precision!

A mouthful of confetti!A mouthful of confetti!













Having been in the grooms shoes I now have that little bit of extra experience to bring to a wedding shoot as I’ve gone through all the nerves and excitement myself! 

Big love & hugs going out to everyone who came and made it such a special day for us, and of course to my new wife, Lindsay… I love you x


Please leave your thoughts and comments below.  Are you a wedding supplier who is married?  How did yours go?  I'd love to hear from you!


Photos by Paolo Ferla Photography -

With my brother, JasonWith my brother, Jason image -033image -033 My auntie Gitta and cousin Viveca from FinlandMy auntie Gitta and cousin Viveca from Finland image -067image -067 image -090image -090 image -094image -094















































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